Friday, 2 January 2009

North Wales father’s transplant bid to give ailing daughter a better life - Daily Post North Wales

North Wales father’s transplant bid to give ailing daughter a better life - Daily Post North Wales

A TERMINALLY ill teenage girl is facing an agonising wait to see whether she will be able to receive her father’s kidney.

Jessica Law, 14, has undergone 15 major operations since she was born.

Her dad John is having tests to see whether he can donate one of his kidneys for a transplant, which will give her a much better quality of life.

Her mum Vona said: “In the meantime, Jessica is going on the waiting list for a kidney from a deceased donor as well, so I would just like to emphasise how important it is for people to carry donor cards.

“We’ve found out in the last few weeks that Jessica has deteriorated even further, and it may mean they have to start dialysis before she can have the transplant, because her blood levels are so unstable.

“The kidney side of it has to take precedence because she is so sick from that, but she’s still got a lot of medical problems that need addressing.

“Jessica has other complications that will require surgical intervention over the next few years which add to the complications of her condition.

“So far, she’s had 15 major operations, everything from a three-hour operation to a 17-hour operation, one which was done in Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.