Friday, 11 July 2008

Chemists join bid to urge more to sign donor forms - WalesOnline

Chemists join bid to urge more to sign donor forms - WalesOnline

Chemists join bid to urge more to sign donor forms
Jul 7 2008 by Gregory Tindle, South Wales Echo

THE drive to recruit more organ donors in Wales has reached the high street as every chemist in Wales will help to sign up more people.

All 719 pharmacies in Wales and more than 600 GP surgeries, opticians and dental practices will take part in the second phase of the Donate Wales – Tell a Loved One campaign, which starts today.

The campaign, launched in May, is led by the Kidney Wales Foundation to urge more people to join the organ donor register. The charity said that in the past seven weeks 12 more people have been added to the transplant waiting list in Wales.

Health Minister Edwina Hart, said: “Discussing what happens to us and our organs after we die are things most people don’t really want to think about but it is important for people to discuss the possibility with family members. Having leaflets and registration forms in pharmacies creates a talking point that will hopefully start conversations between potential donors and their families.”

Raj Aggarwal, chairman of trustees at the Kidney Wales Foundation, said: “By giving people the chance to pick up a registration form when they’re collecting their prescription, we hope that many more people will act on their good intentions, join the organ donor register and tell their loved ones about their donation wishes.”

1 comment:

Kolekona said...

Failure: Altruistic Organ Donation

Unfortunately the altruistic organ donation is a virtual failure in America, and apparently the whole world. However, the Donate-For-Life Organ Donor Program, by virtue of five years planning and our mathematical formula, demonstrates that the 100,000 individuals on the UNOS Wait List can be reduced to near zero within 48-months of startup. It is a paradigm shift in thinking, and is lawful and harms no persons in third-world countries. It eliminates both international and domestic black market organ sales and transplantation as soon as the program is fully functional.

The Donate-For-Life Organ Donor Program -- as a 51-page white paper and 3-powerpoint presentations -- is experiencing a second actuarial science analysis by a Fortune 100 insurance corporation prior to being transferred to them for startup. It is a program whose time has arrived: Use encouragement-based incentives to end the severe shortage of donated organs. Civilized society needs to bring to an end the 20 deaths each day for lack of an available organ; cherish life by saving and improving the life experience.

Website: w w w . d o n a t e - f o r - l i f e . c o m

Blog: Coming Soon!