Wednesday 8 October 2008

Wales First Minister Statement at Question Time on Organ Donation

In response to a Ouestion from Dr Dai Lloyd AM at First Minister's Questions on 7 October 2008 and Jonathan Morgan AM with a view from Jenny Randerson AM in support The Rt Hon. Rhodri Morgan AM First Minister commented as follows on presumed consent:

We have just reached the milestone of getting 800,000 people in Wales on the register. I think that James Herbert, an ophthalmology student at Cardiff University, was the eight-hundred-thousandth person to register. We are forging ahead towards the 1 million mark now, while also aiming for the new legislation.

Yes. We will pursue legislative competence for presumed consent to reinforce the progress that has already been made, including reaching the milestone of having 800,000 people on the register, when only 3 million people live in Wales. There are probably 2.25 million adults in Wales—and I presume that it is only adults who can consent to this—which means that about 40 per cent of adults have given their consent. We are taking the twin-track approach of trying to achieve a sea change in public attitude side by side with securing a change in the law. The law will not work without that sea change in public attitude.

We are looking at achieving more than just passing a new law. Creating a new law setting out the principle of presumed consent would do only half the job. We are also trying to change the culture and public attitudes. A 'sea change in public attitude’, as we say, is essential if this new law is to work.

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