Monday, 17 November 2008

Donor 'opt-out' proposal still available in Wales

Health ministers in Wales and Scotland have suggested they are sympathetic to arguments in favour of presumed consent.

Dr Tony Calland, chairman of the BMA's Medical Ethics Committee said: "Evidence from other countries has shown that a system of presumed consent can improve the shortage of donor organs and can save lives.

"The BMA supports a 'soft' system of presumed consent, where individuals who do not want to donate their organs have a formal mechanism for registering that objection and where families are consulted to identify any unregistered objection."

Kidney Wales Foundation agrees with the BMA.

Roy J Thomas said "This is an ethical issue and with safeguards Wales can move forward and save lives.More than 1,000 die each year in the UK. A system of consent based on the families wishes is supported in Wales but more of us need to discuss this important issue."

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