Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Funds raised in charity Raglan walk (From South Wales Argus)

Hundreds raised in charity Raglan walk (From South Wales Argus)

WALKERS hoping to raise funds to fight kidney disease received olympian inspiration from a Welsh athlete at the Raglan Walk For Life event yesterday.

Monmouth silver medalist Tom Lucy helped lead more than 100 fundraisers over a one mile route, raising £530.87 in the process.

Event organiser Sara Griffiths, 46, was delight at the amount raised.

She said: “Tom is a very caring person and has been particularly supportive of local charities. The proceeds we’ve raised will go to children who are suffering from kidney disease and kidney failure and help to give them improved levels of care.

“I myself had a kidney transplant 14 years ago and without it I would have died.

"This is the first year I’ve done a Walk For Life but it’s a big thing and I hope it will become an annual event.”

All money raised will go to Kidney Wales.

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