Tuesday 2 September 2008

'Now I can see again I look at it as a gift' - WalesOnline

'Now I can see again I look at it as a gift' - WalesOnline

'Now I can see again I look at it as a gift'
Sep 1 2008 by Madeleine Brindley, Western Mail

Organ transplantation is life-saving surgery for the patients fortunate enough to find a donor. But it can also be sight-saving, as Health Editor Madeleine Brindley found when she met the grandmother whose life has been transformed by a corneal graft

DEBBIE HARRIS lived in a black and white world of shadows and mist, only able to recognise her own daughters by their silhouettes and the smell of their perfume.

She had no idea what the youngest of her eight grandchildren looked like – she was unable to conjure a picture of them in her mind’s eye as they spoke on the phone as they had been born after she started her descent into blindness.

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