Sunday 21 September 2008

TEENAGER Robert Edwards is living proof of the amazing gift of organ donation. - WalesOnline

TEENAGER Robert Edwards is living proof of the amazing gift of organ donation. - WalesOnline

TEENAGER Robert Edwards is living proof of the amazing gift of organ donation.
Sep 20 2008 by Katie Bodinger, South Wales Echo

The 13-year-old, who was on dialysis 10 hours a night before the operation two weeks ago, is now full of energy.

After a wait of more than two years, his parents, Paul and Jayne, are understandably overjoyed that their son can look forward to being a normal youngster.

Before, their lives were on hold as they anxiously waited for the life-saving call to come.

There is a desperate need for more organ donors, as Robert’s plight shows.

Let’s hope his case will inspire more to tell relatives that if the worst happens they would want their organs to save the lives of others.

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