Tuesday 17 March 2009

News - You survive on dialysis but after a transplant you live, says Janet

WalesOnline - News - Health News - You survive on dialysis but after a transplant you live, says Janet

A hard-hitting television advert which depicts the life-or-death race hundreds of people in Wales face to find an organ donor was broadcast last week. Health Editor Madeleine Brindley spoke to two women about their experiences of organ donation as the Save Sian campaign was launched

JANET EVANS started making up for lost time on November 25, 2007 – the date she received her second kidney transplant after spending the best part of a decade on dialysis.

Her first transplant, which followed two-and-a-half years of dialysis failed within eight months, forcing her onto the gruelling regime of haemodialysis for a further five years.

The 51-year-old is conscious that she hasn’t climbed a mountain or done anything “spectacular” after undergoing the transplant, but the new kidney has allowed her to restart her life and focus on caring for her family.

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