Thursday, 29 May 2008

BBC NEWS | Wales | Musician supports donor campaign

BBC NEWS | Wales | Musician supports donor campaign click for full story

Stuart Cable has urged people to consider organ donation after a man who benefited from his late friend's organs told how it had changed his life.

When Cable's friend, Michael Headford, 41, died suddenly his organs helped save the lives of three people.

The family of one man helped by Mr Headford wrote a letter of thanks to his friends in Aberdare, Cynon Valley.

It inspired Cable, the Stereophonics' former drummer, to back a campaign for people join the Organ Donor Register.

He has added his name to the Donate Wales - Tell a Loved One campaign which is encouraging people to tell their friends and family about their wishes after their death.

Cable, now best known as a radio and TV presenter, said: "A friend of mine passed away suddenly about a year ago and none of us knew he was on the register.

A lot of people feel they want to keep their body in tact but when you can give the gift of life to three people, it's a pretty cool thing to do

Stuart Cable

"We received a letter at the pub sent by the family of one of the people who received an organ.

"This guy was a footballer and had a problem and couldn't play with his children.

"All of a sudden he has this transplant and he's given a new lease of life."

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