Saturday 17 May 2008

Have A Heart Says Nerys (from South Wales Guardian)

Have A Heart Says Nerys (from South Wales Guardian)

Have a heart, says Nerys

Plaid Cymru AM Nerys Evans has today called on the people of Carmarthenshire to have a heart' and sign the organ donor register.

The AM for Mid and West Wales says that not enough people who agree with the principle of organ donation actually get around to actually signing up to the register.

Her call coincides with the launch of the cross charity campaign Donate Wales' which aims to raise awareness and increase the number of people signed up to the organ donor register.

"There is currently a dire shortage of organs available for transplants," said Ms Evans." This really is a matter of life and death - in the last year alone 22 people died while waiting for a transplant.

" When questioned, 90 per cent of people say that they agree with the principle of organ donation, but unfortunately only 27% of people in Wales actually get round to signing up to the organ donor register."

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