Tuesday, 13 May 2008

BBC NEWS | Wales | Organ donation campaign launched

BBC NEWS | Wales | Organ donation campaign launched click for full story

A campaign aimed at increasing the number of organ donors in Wales is being launched later.

Around 470 people in Wales are waiting for an organ transplant now and 780,000 people are on the organ donor register.

But leaders of the campaign say they want this new scheme to "get Wales talking" about organ donation.

Roy Thomas, executive chairman of Kidney Foundation Wales, will launch Donate Wales - Tell a Loved One outside Cardiff City Hall.

Balloons will be released at the launch representing 150 people in Wales who have died since 2003 waiting for a donor, and another 471 who are still waiting.

Mr Thomas said: "If we are to bridge the gap between the number of people waiting for organs and the number of organs available, we need to start talking to our loved ones about our wished to become organ donors when we die and make sure we all join the organ donor register."

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