Saturday 14 June 2008

Bethan Jenkins AM supports organ donation campaign - icWales

AM supports organ donation campaign - icWales

AM supports organ donation campaign
Jun 5 2008 by Emma Pengelly, Neath Guardian

A PLAID Cymru AM is urging locals to help the 400 people across Wales who are desperately waiting for an organ transplant.

South West Wales AM Bethan Jenkins is supporting the Donate Wales Tell a Loved One campaign, which highlights the importance of people telling friends and family of their wish to be an organ donor.

Due to a shortage of organs, some people on the waiting list for a transplant have to wait years before getting one, and others die.

Speaking from the National Assembly, the AM said: “One of the biggest obstacles to more lives being saved is that four out of 10 families refuse for their loved ones organs to be donated – often simply because they didn’t know what they would have wanted. In the last five years more than 750 lives in Wales have been transformed by a transplant and the generosity of a donor.

“Sadly in that same time 150 people have died, many just children, and without more donors more lives will be lost.”

There is no age limit to joining the register or restrictions because of a person’s sexuality.

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