Saturday, 14 June 2008

Excellent catchphrase to mobilise project Donate Wales

The Greatest gift LETTER TO WESTERN MAIL 13 of June 2008

SIR – The “Tell a Loved One” story (June 2) regarding organ donation for transplants is an excellent catchphrase to mobilise project Donate Wales.

Eighty per cent of the people of Wales wish to donate their organs after death but only some 25% have registered or told their next to kin of their wishes, resulting in patients dying in their hundreds while still on very expensive soul-destroying dialysis or other procedures.

Donated organs are worth more than cremated organs as they can prevent children becoming orphans and parents losing their beloved children.

They can also get the bread- winner of a family back into work rather than existing on benefits.

One donor can save up to seven lives if only people, young and old, would dial the magic telephone number 0845 60 60 400 to ensure they are entered on the NHS organ donor register.

I’m grateful to my kidney donor for giving me the gift of life five years ago, after I had suffered five years on very expensive and miserable dialysis.

Organ transplantations are among one of the most cost effective procedures the NHS can make, thus releasing millions of pounds per annum, to the lasting benefit of all hospitals, social services, patients and their families. If only everyone, young and old, would Tell a Loved One their wishes and dial that magic number 0845 60 60 400 now.

What greater gift can man give to man than the gift of life?

It makes one’s life worth while.

A member of the WKPA, Llandeilo, Carms