Saturday 14 June 2008

Give Wales Your Hearty Support - Bates

Give Wales Your Hearty Support - Bates
3.04.38pm BST (GMT +0100) Fri 13th Jun 2008

As the Kidney Wales Foundation continues their 'Donate Wales' campaign, Welsh Lib Dem Mick Bates AM expresses his strong support for the campaign which is aimed to tackle the shortage of organ donors in Wales. Mick recently underwent a hip operation and found himself lucky that his operation didn't require a transplant. However, the Montgomeryshire AM remains concerned with the fate of more than 450 people across Wales who are currently waiting in hope.

Sadly, within the last 5 years 150 people died waiting while more than 750 received a transplant that changed their lives. The critical shortage of organs is increasing while 73% of Wales is still to register for the donation.

Mick Bates: "It is sad that so many people die waiting for a transplant. When asked, 90% of people support organ donation. In my view presumed consent for organ donation would be a life-saving response to the needs of many Welsh people who are currently awaiting a transplant.

"This is not an easy topic for conversation, but we must promote knowledge about organ donation in Wales. Many people are not aware that there is no minimum and maximum age limit for registering as a donor. Having a medical condition does not necessarily prevent a person from becoming an organ or tissue donor either."

In Powys alone at the end of February this year 12 people were waiting for a kidney transplant, while 48 were receiving dialysis, according to the Health Commission Wales.

Mick said: "Registering for organ donation can have a real life-saving impact and help people from your area. We must encourage more people to register for organ donation which can give others a chance to live."

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