Monday 2 June 2008

‘It would have been selfish if I hadn’t changed someone’s life’ - icWales

‘It would have been selfish if I hadn’t changed someone’s life’ - icWales
full interview click here

‘It would have been selfish if I hadn’t changed someone’s life’Jun 2 2008 by Madeleine Brindley, Western Mail

Aled Haydn Jones is best known as the daytime producer of the Radio One Chris Moyles Show. He is also one of the Welsh celebrities spearheading the Donate Wales – Tell A Loved One campaign. He spoke to Health Editor Madeleine Brindley about his involvement in the campaign

Q How long have you been on the organ donor register?

A: I’ve actually carried an organ donor card on and off for as long as I can remember. I’ve always felt quite strongly that if I’ve been able to help – even after my death – it’s something I’ve wanted to do.

See more of the interview by clicking above.

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